Ship - Gallery Baťov canal Skalica projection. The gallery was comprehensively handled at our company. In addition to implementation, we also dealt with the design work itself, which was adapted to the customer's needs.

Ship – Gallery Baťov canal Skalica projection

Designing ships and boats Shiptech

Ship – Gallery Baťov canal Skalica projection

The gallery was comprehensively handled at our company. In addition to implementation, we also dealt with the design work itself, which was adapted to the customer’s needs. The ship was powered by an electric motor, while the batteries were recharged from photovoltaic panels that were placed on the roof of the ship.

Main parameters:
– length 10.8m
– width 3m
– weight 4.36t
– carrying capacity of 25+2 persons
– max. output: 4+4kW

Realization gallery


High quality

Steel and aluminum technical structures, wooden accessories and other composite material

Design and Realization

Comprehensive services from consultation, project design to its implementation and service

Recreational use of water

Cruises and recreation on water bodies within Slovakia.